all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 6QA 24 12 53.481483 -3.038214
L22 6QB 28 5 53.481694 -3.03789
L22 6QE 38 0 53.480746 -3.041468
L22 6QF 40 1 53.481712 -3.039985
L22 6QG 24 0 53.48127 -3.043304
L22 6QH 8 0 53.481636 -3.037421
L22 6QJ 12 0 53.481503 -3.039181
L22 6QL 10 0 53.48087 -3.040733
L22 6QN 29 6 53.482394 -3.040077
L22 6QP 29 0 53.482213 -3.043312
L22 6QQ 25 0 53.481078 -3.043691
L22 6QR 40 0 53.481394 -3.042433
L22 6QS 34 0 53.481567 -3.042242
L22 6QT 32 0 53.48196 -3.041483
L22 6QU 36 0 53.481821 -3.040952
L22 6QW 20 0 53.482056 -3.042766
L22 6QX 17 0 53.482156 -3.040583
L22 6QY 30 0 53.480804 -3.039963
L22 6QZ 28 0 53.480665 -3.039477
L22 6RA 20 0 53.482774 -3.0409